For the last part of my internship, since April, I have worked with Nate Sleeter of George Mason University on the World History Commons project, an open-source world history pedagogy
Author: ProfTim
Internship post 7: time for a changeInternship post 7: time for a change
This spring I have changed internship hosts from the Smithsonian Office of the Undersecretary for Education to a World History Commons project hosted by George Mason University, with a goal
Internship post 6: comparing theory & practice, or what real public history work is likeInternship post 6: comparing theory & practice, or what real public history work is like
The bulk of my internship has involved scouring Smithsonian and non-Smithsonian websites for attractive educational features, and documenting those features in summary reports I have supplied my internship supervisor and
Internship Post 5 – website surveysInternship Post 5 – website surveys
In the last month I have compiled two surveys for the Smithsonian Office of the Undersecretary for Education, which it requested as part of its project to revise the educational
Internship Post 4: using Smithsonian Sidedoor in the classroom part IIInternship Post 4: using Smithsonian Sidedoor in the classroom part II
Since December I have focused on developing three lesson plans for high school and college history classes that incorporate the Smithsonian’s Sidedoor podcast, whose explore topics that touch on Smithsonian
Internship third post: Using Smithsonian Sidedoor podcasts in the classroom part IInternship third post: Using Smithsonian Sidedoor podcasts in the classroom part I
In the last few weeks I have spent my internship developing lesson plans using a podcast, Sidedoor, which draws on Smithsonian artifacts to portray stories involving biology, art, history, archaeology,
Internship Post 2: Surveying the Smithsonian’s educational outreachInternship Post 2: Surveying the Smithsonian’s educational outreach
In the second month of the internship I browsed the websites of fifteen Smithsonian (SI) museums and learning centers to compile background information and compose survey questions about ways each
Internship Post 1: introduction to the SmithsonianInternship Post 1: introduction to the Smithsonian
Beginning in late October I was accepted as an intern by the Smithsonian Office of the Under Secretary for Education and Access (OUSEA). Within OUSEA, I am under the supervision
Digital History Teaching Project: Sixth Piece of the PuzzleDigital History Teaching Project: Sixth Piece of the Puzzle
I have now constructed the project on a Google Sites website, provisionally titled, “Contextualizing Lincoln on Slavery, Race, and Civil Rights.” The website has two pages. The first page introduces
Presenting the Past Using Digital Tools for TeachingPresenting the Past Using Digital Tools for Teaching
Digital tools offer teachers of history several challenges in developing assignments for students that reflect historical thinking. If we consider the Internet a digital took, a basic challenge arises from