Name: Thomas Demographic: African American, middle class, educated male, socially liberal Descriptive Title: a father and community activist involved in programs to encourage inter-racial dialogue End Goals:Thomas would use this website because it
Category: Website user experience
The Relationship Between Audience and Content in Public History ProjectsThe Relationship Between Audience and Content in Public History Projects
Public historians face several challenges when they think about the relationship between the content of their projects and the audiences that will experience them, which academic historians focused on classroom
Feedback from potential users of a proposed digital history project on Western Illinois’ Underground RailroadFeedback from potential users of a proposed digital history project on Western Illinois’ Underground Railroad
I’m thinking of a digital history projects that develops an open-access website that maps various kinds of evidence of the Western Illinois region’s underground railroad history and its possible ties
Review of the Western Illinois Museum physical and digital sitesReview of the Western Illinois Museum physical and digital sites
The Western Illinois Museum physical site, 201 South Lafayette Street, Macomb, Illinois The Western Illinois Museum takes its title from an area that historically was termed the Military Tract, comprised
The relationship between audience and content in public history projectsThe relationship between audience and content in public history projects
Historically, historians working in universities looked askance on individuals who worked in government service, museums, and parks – places today recognized as public history sites (Dichtl and Townsend, Figure 1)
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Everyone’s secret information friend, Wikipedia, emphasizes the commercial aspects of crowdsourcing, but lately crowdsourced digitization has become a powerful tool for humanities organizations to obtain valuable digitizing work from the
Review of the metadata in use by the Metropolitan Museum of Art databaseReview of the metadata in use by the Metropolitan Museum of Art database
The metadata used by the MOMA’s online database indicates an object’s type or function; date or date range of production; original individual or corporate maker, designer, and patron or commissioner,